Meet The Torres Family

Staci and her two daughters: Anjelica (left) and baby Elisa (right).
Staci and her two young children were all sleeping in the same bed. Your donations helped little Angelica and baby Elisa, pictured here in their new home, get a bed all of their own. Now Staci can get a better night's sleep and baby Elisa won't even remember experiencing homelessness.
They were in a family shelter after they had to leave their apartment because the landlord raised the rent. With the help of a local case manager, Staci found an apartment to rent but they had nothing to put in it. Wings was able to bring a Welcome Home basket and a bed so they could make their new house a home.
Baby Elisa won't even remember being homeless.

Anjelica stands against the box spring of her new bed.
Staci and Wings volunteer Tim hold a Welcome Home basket.